• Hi!
    I'm Misho

    A tech geek. A CNCF and OpenFest lecturer. A critical thinker. It's been said that I can solve everything with PromQL!

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  • I am
    a DevOps engineer

    100% automation 0% hesitation. Kubernetes and Prometheus enthusiast. All things CNCF!

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  • I am a wannabe stoic.

    A love and desire of wisdom.
    Do less but do it the right way.
    Do the just thing.
    And have the courage to follow your morals!

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About Us

Who Am I?

Hi I'm Mihail Mihaylov

An adventure lover, a thrill-seeker, with a cheerful attitude and an open-minded approach to the world.

I have a passion for skiing. Being on top of a mountain, the white void in front of me, the sun above me, friends on my side, and without a care in the world... is maybe one of the few truly spectacular moments that give meaning to life. Sölden Tirol Austria

I play StarCraft2 and watch eSports (CS:GO and SC2). Go HeRoMaRinE! Also, check out my YouTube channel with SC2 games in the Diamond league. SC2 stream

Idea and motivation-driven person. There are no bad ideas and all new tasks teach me something I did not know before.

A citizen of the world. The moment we start thinking as one and not as citizens of a one country will be the moment we conquer our differences.

Data is beautiful. Mathematics, physics, informatics, and statistics have a divine beauty that triggers my admiration every time I learn something new there.

"Today's science fiction is tomorrow's science fact" - Isaac Asimov. We have the power to create and "bring to life" basic technology ecosystems and robotic logic. Therefore we are entitled to it.

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.
Richard Feynman

What I do?

Here are some of the expertise I have and cherish the most

Infrastructure Engineering

Design, implementation, and support of multi-cloud, multi-region, state-of-the-art IT infrastructure systems... with a grain of passion.

Smart and hard work

"Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree and I'll spend the first 4 sharpening my axe." - Abe Lincoln
I am eager to be in that place where the system and I work as one with a flow.


The sheer joy of creating a "living thing" by simply... writing a code on a redactor. I have always admired this and aimed at this particular freedom that technology gives us.


Develop a pipeline that produces new iterations, tests for issues or puts together the pieces of software in seconds by simply... a click. This is hard to achieve but mind-blowing when done.


When a stoic wakes up, he/she is eager to get out of bed and start exploring. People are not made for sleeping! I am always searching for my passion, my motivation, my X-factor in my work in my personal life, and in everything.


Treat people the way you want to be treated! Honest communication always pays off as we develop stronger bonds and people value that the most. Also, do not forget to be honest with the most ruthless person you know - yourself.

Cups of black tee
Companies worked for
Years of experience
Hours of CS:GO and StarCraft2
My Specialty

My Skills

“Above all, it is necessary for a person to have a true self-estimate, for we commonly think we can do more than we really can.”

Seneca, On Tranquility Of Mind, 5.2














Graduated FMI Sofia (Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics in Sofia University, Bulgaria) in 2012.

Bachelor in Information Systems - Informatics and Computer Science.

Above all, I have met one of the best people I know there and achieved extraordinary friendships. During those high-school years, I found my true passion in:

  • Linux
  • Programming and computer science
  • Football
  • Fantasy books
I developed my personality and ethics there and then and I am truly grateful for those years.

Throughout those many years, I have taken many courses both on and off of work. I feel that naming them in a structured manner has little or less meaning now as this will be missing the point.

The purpose is not to learn AWS, Kubernetes, or to get proficient in some technology. The purpose is to learn how... how to learn! The best skill to develop is having the tranquility of mind to follow the line of teaching. To develop a learning structure that best suits yourself and is both efficient and long-lasting. To develop a strong will and patience.

I will continue taking courses, both online and in a group environment because we have always something to learn. And the moment you start thinking you know everything is the moment you know nothing (you know nothing, John Snow :D ).

I feel that one of the best places to gather knowledge about a topic is a conference in which you meet with people, that work in the field, have proficient experience, or simply share the issues and pitfalls you have. But above all, a conference is a place to develop a passion and a purpose.

Usually, people present new and trendy stuff at a conference, share their experience, or simply give you a heads up on a new and crafty way of doing things. But they also inspire you to do as they've done.

I particularly like attending conferences like KubeCon or PromCon in which you can meet and have a piece of the minds of the top people in the field.

But also, I like attending non-technical and purely science conferences like those Ratio and other non-government organizations are organising in Sofia.


Work Experience

DevOps/SRE Engineer 2016-onward

Everything from CI/CD to automating cloud infrastructure setup and high availability. My preferred stack is AWS/GCloud and technologies like Kubernetes, Terraform, the ELK stack, Prometheus, and everything CNCF.

I truly believe in the infrastructure-as-a-code way and believe that automating mundane stuff holds the true art of our profession.

I have done a great deal with tools like Puppet and Ansible, but like to focus on more "new-wave" state-of-the-art solutions like Kubernetes.

Cloud Infrastructure Engineer 2014-2016

Working on a services-oriented company, I was developing proficiency in cloud infrastructure management and migration to the cloud. Primarily on Microsoft Azure, I was trying out best practices in the CI/CD approach with newly developed and innovative cloud-based tools. This proved to be a crucial lesson for when I had to automate the same processes across cross-cloud.

To actually try to manage all the infrastructure in a "born in the cloud" company was a challenge to me that proved to be more fun than work.

DBA 2012-2014

An exciting endeavor into my passion for data and databases. One of my most favorite topics from University proved out to be a very good profession as well. Relational databases are not only mathematical marvels of pure algebra and vectors, but also an exciting adventure into the depths of the core of every infrastructure system or application.

I was not expecting to face so much critical production workload with almost 0 downtime tolerance, though. This proved to be full of excitement and extremities and me - a bit of a thrill-seeker.

Infrastructure and Integrations Engineer 2010-2012

A straight-out-of-university experience with actual physical servers, wiring, complex data machines, and... projects that generate revenue. Funny enough, those things were in the depths of the theoretical for me up to this point.

My first "being part of a project" experience. My first team with its team environment and team hierarchy. My first real success and real pride.

Web hosting technical support 2009-2010

A "half of the infrastructure is down on my first night shift alone" experience for me.

A true DevOps or infrastructure engineer has to have some true experience in web hosting! This was mine. Brief, yes, but exciting.

I am most proud that I was able to grasp and learn by heart many many core IT concepts like DNS, server, networking layers, monitoring, issue tracking, and most of all - the difference between authentication and authorization!!! Why I was able to learn them in this short period? Because I had to teach them to our customers and this is the Richard Feynman's way.


Recent Vlog

SC2 video
Sep 26, 2021 | StarCraft2: Playing like a true 'toss with guidance by Artanis

Awsome ski trip!
Mar 9, 2020 | Awesome ski trip to Dolomiti

Goodbye Accedia!
Aug 12, 2016 | Goodbye Accedia!

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